The Office of Violence Prevention and Trauma Recovery (OVPTR) was created by Mayor Ras J. Baraka in June of 2020. It is headquartered at the former 1st Precinct of the City of Newark Police Division, located in the Central Ward, and will host program services and a Museum to honor the city’s long fight for racial integration and social healing.


We aspire to relieve suffering through open-hearted and holistic engagements. 


We commit to being consistently equitable, healing safe spaces in our city through innovative and effective strategies. 


We empower our residents to take part in restorative justice, and contributors to the well-being and health of the community. 


Fostering synergy and collaborations with stakeholders, businesses, government, and universities to address the root of shared trauma in the City of Newark. Establishing the center as a national think tank on Violent Crime Reduction and Trauma Healing.